Conversion of Cascade Classic Procedure Setups
Users of the Cascade Classic legacy software platform can follow a few simple steps to convert their
existing procedure setups for use in the new Surgical Studio software.
Conversion Steps:
- Open Cascade Classic version 3.1 SP2 or higher and go to File menu “Export Procedure Setup File
for Surgical Studio.” - Select the procedure template(s) for export (multiselect
by holding Ctrl) and hit Open. - When the export is complete, a message will indicate the templates exported successfully.
- Exported templates are held in the same location on the computer from where they were selected.
- Open Cascade Surgical Studio and navigate to Procedure Setup under the Templates heading.
- Click Import, then select .classiciomprocedure files as desired. Click OK.
Cascade Classic Procedure Conversion Limitations
- Cascade DSP100
is not supported. - CV2 Stimulator is not supported.
- Visual Stimulator Types – Flash, LED VEP, and Video Checks are not supported.
- Window layout may be slightly altered.
- 3D Trend window is not supported.
- Event window is not supported.
- EP analysis window is not supported.
- Digital Filter settings are not carried over.
- ‘Run mode’ type works differently in Surgical Studio. See Modes for more information.
- EEG Symmetry channel mappings require the user to specify which body sites are contralateral.
- Autocursors % Completed Average is implemented differently. See Cursors for more information.
Dec 7, 2017 1955 Cascade IONM FAQs