Sierra Summit/Ascent EMG audio is normally heard from the base unit speakers. When EMG audio is not heard from the base unit speakers, there are a few corrective actions to take.
First, verify that the audio mute checkbox at the top of the EMG recording screen is not checked. Pressing the Volume Knob will also un-mute the audio.
Next, check the Sierra Summit/Ascent software version in the help/about menu. If it is Sierra software is version 1.0 then update to a higher version. For Sierra/Ascent versions 1.1 and higher, follow these steps:
Summit Settings:
- Launch the Sierra Summit/Ascent
- Click on Edit, then System Setup
- Click on the Audio Setup button
- Set the EMG Audio Device (Live and Playback) to “Summit Speakers (USB Audio CODEC)”
- Click the OK button to close the Audio Setup window
- Click OK again to close the System Setup window
- Close the Sierra Summit/Ascent program
- Open Summit/Ascent to see if EMG audio is working properly
Windows Audio Settings:
- Click on the Windows speaker icon located in the taskbar next to the Windows time
- Click on Mixer
- Click on the speaker selection pull down arrow then Select “Summit Speakers (USB AudioCodec)”
- Verify that the speaker is not muted as indicated by a red symbol over the speaker. Click on the speaker symbol to un-mute it
- Turn volume adjustment to a higher position if it is set to zero or very low
- Open Summit/Ascent to see if EMG audio is working properly
Summit/Ascent Speaker Driver Verification:
- Close Sierra Summit/Ascent program
- Click Windows Start (Windows 7)
- Enter/type in Device Manager in the search box (Windows 7 and 10)
- Click on Device Manager from listed results
- Expand Sound, Video and Game Controller list
- Look for USB Audio Codec and note if an exclamation error symbol appears
- If error symbol is present, right click on USB Audio Codec
- Select Update Driver Software
- Select Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer
- Select USB Audio Device
- Click on Next
- Close
- Recheck status – error symbol should be gone
- Close Device Manager window
- Open Summit/Ascent to see if EMG audio is working properly
Jun 9, 2016 104 Sierra EMG FAQs